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How to do Bicycle Crunches?

Easy | 100 Calories Burn


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How To Do It

7 Steps


Step 1

Lay face up on a mat, your feet flat on the ground, and your legs straight.


Step 2

Put 30% of your effort towards contracting your pelvic floor muscle (the muscle you would use to stop yourself from peeing) and engaging your core.


Step 3

Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth to prevent your front neck muscles from overworking.


Step 4

Lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the mat while softly tucking your chin toward your chest.


Step 5

While maintaining your core tight, pull your torso as close to that knee as you can while bending one knee to lift that foot off the ground.


Step 6

Controlled back down till your shoulder blades are back on the mat.


Step 7

Do this once again, elevating the opposite leg and shifting to that side.

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