Easy | 100 Calories Burn
Anim aute id magna aliqua ad ad non deserunt sunt. Qui irure qui lorem cupidatat commodo. Elit sunt amet fugiat veniam occaecat fugiat aliqua.
8 Steps
Step 1
Kneel on the ground with your hands and feet together.
Step 2
Your hands should be forming a triangle on the ground.
Step 3
Lower your hips so that your knees and head are almost in a straight line.
Step 4
Gently indent your tummy with around 30% effort.
Step 5
Lower your body toward the ground while bending your elbows.
Step 6
Keep your elbows close to your body's sides.
Step 7
Lower yourself until your chest is positioned between your hands.
Step 8
Lower until your chest is a small fist away from the ground and then push back up the staring position.