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How to do Pulse Lunges?

Easy | 100 Calories Burn


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How To Do It

8 Steps


Step 1

Start by standing straight and take a forward step that is about 1 and a half times your natural stride length.


Step 2

While keeping your front knee under your toes, straighten yourself out and place your weight on your front leg.


Step 3

When descending, both knees should be bent at around a 90-degree angle.


Step 4

You should lift your rear heel off the ground.


Step 5

Hold for a second, then push back up and down, while shifting your weight to your front foot from the bottom position.


Step 6

Returning to the exercise's starting position means placing your front foot there.


Step 7

Throughout the entire exercise, maintain an upright posture with your head, chest, and hips level and facing front.


Step 8

Repeat with the opposite leg and continue alternating legs for the prescribed time.

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